Scarborough Women’s Centre (SWC) empowers women to become economically and emotionally independent for future success and to strengthen their local communities, free from violence. SWC delivers programs and services to promote positive change for women in a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment.
Feminist Intersectional Framework
Thrive Counselling
Thrive is a community based family service agency, specializing in gender based violence and counselling services.
NFF at the Center for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children
Neighbours, Friends and Families is a public education campaign to raise awareness of the signs of intimate partner violence so that those close to someone experiencing abuse or using abusive behaviour can help. It engages the power of everyday relationships to help keep survivors and their children safe.
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston is a not-for-profit organization providing free, confidential, non-judgemental support for all survivors, 12+, of recent and/or historic sexual violence in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (KFL&A) since 1978. At the heart of our work is a deep partnership with our community and all its members. Together, we work to: support individuals and their loved ones to heal from sexual violence; educate individuals and organizations on the impact of sexual violence; and, organize and advocate for systemic and social change required to end sexual violence.
Willowbridge Community Services
Willowbridge Community Services is a not-for-profit organization offering developmental services and counselling across Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara, Six Nations of the Grand River, Mississauga’s of the Credit First Nation, and Haldimand Norfolk. Here, we believe that everyone deserves relationship, community, and celebration. We empower individuals to improve their lives for a more positive future.
Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services
Nova Vita works to end interpersonal violence and abuse by supporting individuals and families who have experienced domestic violence, intimate partner violence, or gender-based violence through the provision of crisis intervention, emergency shelter, transitional support, children’s programs, and counselling; and by fostering accountability for those who harm through intervention, counselling, public education, and systemic advocacy.
Hiatus House
Hiatus House strives to break the cycle of domestic violence one family at a time. We do this by providing 24 hour a day crisis intervention and emergency shelter to abused women and their children. In addition, we provide public education, research and specialized counseling services for all family members affected by domestic violence.
Family Transition Place
Family Transition Place – Our Mission is to support the holistic well-being of those affected by gender-based violence and promote healthy relationships and community, through education.
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis
G-WWIC provides community-based services to women and children on domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking.
Catholic Family Services of Durham
Catholic Family Services of Durham is a non-profit agency that provides an accredited family counselling service to anyone in Durham Region.
We exist to provide help, hope and healing to individuals, couples and families, regardless of beliefs, through evidence-based clinical therapy, psycho-educational counselling and support.