This page provides an overview of housing supports and resources for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) in Ontario.
Direct Supports
Transitional & Housing Support Programs (THSP)
The Transitional & Housing Support Program (THSP) is a direct support program offered by 135 gender-based violence agencies across Ontario. THSP Programs provide a wide range of types of support related to system navigation and affordable housing, family court, criminal court, housing, social services, healthcare, education, training, childcare and child protection.
Ultimately, THSP services support survivors and their children as they work to increase their safety and overall stability and heal from violence and abuse they have experienced. You do not need to stay in a shelter to access THSP services.
Municipal Housing Supports
There are 47 service managers across Ontario municipalities and districts that manage housing resources such as rent-geared-to-income housing and portable housing benefits. Local service managers can confirm what types of supports are available and assist with applications. Although applications can be made directly to housing authorities, it is helpful to first connect with a GBV worker who has specialized knowledge of housing.
Legal Aid Ontario - Legal Clinics
Legal advocacy is available for survivors of abuse and violence in Ontario in relation to housing rights. There are Legal Clinics across Ontario that can often provide support and advocacy related to the below housing supports. You must live in the area that the clinic is located in to access service. It may be helpful to connect with legal support related to:
- Being removed from a waitlist for a housing support
- Being told you are not eligible for a housing support
- Fighting an eviction from a landlord or social housing provider
- Ending your tenancy
- Tenant applications
Resources for Further Information
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)
If you are experiencing GBV, you can terminate your tenancy early. Learn more about how to end your lease early on Community Legal Education Ontario’s (CLEO) website, and find other resources related to housing law.
Examples include information on:
- Fighting an eviction
- Harassment and discrimination (from landlords or other tenants)
- Giving notice you are moving out