The Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing is supporting the health and wellness of the people of Nipissing and the area.
Feminist Intersectional Framework
The Emily Murphy Centre and Supervised Access Programs of Perth and Huron
The Emily Murphy Centre provides Second Stage Housing and Support Services for women and children who have experienced violence. Supervised Access and Visitation between children and non-custodial parents or caring others.
Bernadette McCann House
The Mission of Bernadette McCann House is to work for change that will end abuse, by providing safety, support and education to all those who experience abuse.
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford provides effective, efficient, and accountable services for women and their dependents and all those impacted by abuse in Oxford County.
Optimism Place, Women’s Shelter & Support Services
Optimism Place Women’s Shelter and Support Services supports women alone or with children to live free of abuse by providing shelter and confidential, non-judgmental services. We are committed to ending the cycle of abuse and violence by raising awareness through prevention, intervention, education and advocacy.
Three Oaks Foundation
Three Oaks Foundation offers shelter, transitional housing and services for abused women and their children.
The Redwood
The Redwood provides programs and services to support women and non-binary folks and their children to live and thrive without abuse, homelessness, and poverty. We work for social change through learning, collaboration, and advocacy.
Sexual Assault Care Centre/Partner Assault Clinic – Sault Area Hospital
The Sexual Assault Care Centre/Partner Assault Clinic specializes in medical care available for all ages and genders (24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays) for recent sexual assault and partner assault through the Emergency Department at Sault Area Hospital.
Trauma focused therapy for victims of recent or past sexual assault, all ages and genders, by booked appointment.
Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health
Camino specializes in children’s mental health, youth engagement and development, family violence services, individual and family counselling, parental support and education, credit counselling, workplace resilience, settlement support and community wellness.
A connected community where all people thrive
We support individuals, families and communities as they work to strengthen their wellbeing and mental health
Women’s Support Network of York Region
The Women’s Support Network of York Region’s mission is to eradicate sexual violence.