Community-based advocacy services
Neighbours, Friends and Families is a public education campaign to raise awareness of the signs of intimate partner violence so that those close to someone experiencing abuse or using abusive behaviour can help. It engages the power of everyday relationships to help keep survivors and their children safe.
Address: , London, Ontario
Hours of operation: 24/7
Services Available:
Education/Prevention Services for Adults
Organization Located In: Urban (population 100,000 and over)
Languages Available: English
Translation Services: No
Initial Contact: , Email
Ongoing Service Delivery: Phone We do not provide direct service. We provide information. We will answer questions via email.
Accessibility: Yes, fully
Gender-neutral Bathrooms: Yes
Childcare Services: No
Specialized/targeted Programming:
None of the above
Inclusivity Policies: Trauma-Informed Service Framework, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Framework, Harm Reduction Framework, Feminist Intersectional Framework
Transportation Costs Provided For: None