Halton Women’s Place is a safe haven, providing information, education and support for women and children fleeing violence.
Education/Prevention Services for Children and Youth
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton exists to help women and children in our communities live safely, eat well and know satisfaction and joy in their daily lives. We offer shelter, educational programming, counselling, and advocacy, in collaboration with the community and women themselves. The YWCA knows that its fiscal management, community reputation and most importantly, valued staff are the basis for these trusting relationships.
Sudbury and Area Victim Services
Sudbury & Area Victim Services provides immediate crisis response, intervention, and prevention services which are responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities affected by crime and tragic circumstances.
Sudbury & Area Victim Services is a community based non-profit organisation providing free and confidential assistance to victims of crime and sudden tragedy.
My Sister’s Place
My Sister’s Place is a not-for-profit organization that provides residential and outreach services for women and their children living with the consequences of violence and abuse. We have served the communities of South Simcoe Ontario since 1987.
Faye Peterson House (Crisis Homes Inc.)
24 Bed Shelter with Outreach, THSP, Family Court Worker, 24-7 hotline
Women’s Hostels Inc. (Nellie’s)
Nellie’s operates a 38-bed emergency shelter for women and children who are homeless and women and children leaving violence, and also a community support and outreach program for low income and socially isolated women and children in the community. Nellie’s is a community-based feminist women’s organization committed to social justice and anti-oppression. We have been serving the community since 1973. Year after year, we help women rebuild their lives by providing access to counseling, information and appropriate referrals, and by providing advocacy and support in areas such as legal and income assistance, training, education and housing.
Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region
In partnership with our community, Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region empowers and supports women and children to move beyond violence and abuse through the provision of safe shelter, transitional housing, education and outreach services.
Centre Victoria pour femmes
Le Centre Victoria pour femmes est un organisme sans but lucratif et charitable au service des femmes francophones qui luttent contre toutes les formes de violence. Le Centre Victoria pour femmes soutient, accompagne et revendique pour l’autonomie de toutes les femmes francophones qui ont vécu, vivent ou sont à risque de vivre la violence sexiste.
Kawartha Haliburton Victim Services
Kawartha Haliburton Victim Services is a non-profit organization comprised of staff working in partnership with Police, Emergency Services, and other community agencies to provide immediate confidential assistance and referral services to victims and survivors of crime, trauma, and tragic circumstances.
Centre Novas-CALACS francophone de Prescott-Russell
Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel. Les services sont offerts aux femmes et aux jeunes filles francophones de 12 ans et plus, victimes / survivantes d’agression à caractère sexuel qui résident ou œuvrent dans la région de Prescott-Russell. Le Centre Novas offre également des ateliers de prévention, de sensibilisation et d’éducation pour les personnes de tout âge qui habitent la région de Prescott-Russell.