The Family Violence Project exists to provide a community-based response to family violence, with wrap around services in a single location, focusing on support, advocacy, prevention, education and awareness.
Community Family Services of Ontario
Community Family Services of Ontario is recognized as the premier provider of family services to support our community, where all families live in a safe and harmonious environment. We helps build a safe and harmonious community by providing professional counselling, settlement, disabilities, and special needs services to individuals and families in need.
Woolwich Counselling Centre
Woolwich Counselling Centre is a community-based counselling agency facilitating emotional and mental wellness. We create awareness, provide education, and promote preventive wellbeing strategies for individuals, families, and communities. In partnership with other community agencies, we act as a catalyst for healthy living. We offer affordable, accessible, and professional services for all.
Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region
We support survivors of sexual violence.
We listen, facilitate healing, and celebrate resiliency. Using an anti-racist, intersectional feminist approach, we work to transform systems which promote gender-based violence.
Family Service Toronto
We work with individuals, families and communities destabilized by precarious mental health and/or socioeconomic circumstances, to achieve greater resilience, stability and equity.
We achieve this through our understanding of poverty and the harmful effects of marginalization, discrimination and oppression. We direct our energies to support individuals and families in our core service areas – community counselling and mental health, gender-based violence and developmental disabilities. At the same time, we work to influence policy, build knowledge, strengthen communities and advocate for system change.
Faye Peterson House (Crisis Homes Inc.)
24 Bed Shelter with Outreach, THSP, Family Court Worker, 24-7 hotline
YWCA Hamilton
YWCA Hamilton strengthens women’s and girls’ voices, broadens their choices, builds dynamic leadership and provides essential and meaningful services that promote safe, inclusive, and equitable communities. YWCA Hamilton’s Housing and Gender-Based Violence Services Department offers a range of trauma-informed housing and gender-based violence support options for those experiencing homelessness and/or violence.
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic offers legal, counselling and interpretation services to marginalized and racialized populations of women who have survived violence.
Lennox and Addington Interval House
Lennox and Addington Interval House offer emergency shelter, crisis line services, transitional housing, outreach, and transitional support to women and children impacted by gender based violence. Our vision is a world where all women and children live in homes free of violence and fear.
METRAC: Action on Violence
METRAC works to end gender-based violence across communities through education, research and policies.