The Family Violence Project exists to provide a community-based response to family violence, with wrap around services in a single location, focusing on support, advocacy, prevention, education and awareness.
Sexual Assault Evidence Collection (18+)
Safety Network Durham
Safety Network Durham provides a centralized place in that multiple different agencies come together in one location to support the multiple needs of women affected by gender-based violence (i.e counselling, housing, legal support, financial support, etc).
Lakeridge Health Corporation Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Care Center
Lakeridge Health Corporation Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Care Center provides support and care to victims of Intimate Partner Violence and/or Sexual Assault. We offer medical services, forensic evidence collection and injury documentation. Along with our community partners we offered counseling, risk management, and safety planning. Our services are confidential.
Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (VIPP)
The Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (VIPP) provides a diverse array of victim support services in connection with violence. Services are offered to both males and females of all age groups.
Trillium Health Partners Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Services (Chantel’s Place)
Chantel’s Place provides 24/7 trauma informed medical, forensic and/or therapeutic care to those who have experienced recent sexual assault, domestic violence and/or human trafficking.
Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program- Ottawa Hospital
The Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program provides trauma-informed care to survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and human trafficking in the Ottawa region. We focus on inclusivity, patient-centered and confidential medical, forensic, and mental health care.
Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Treatment Program – Niagara Health
The mandate of the Niagara Health Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres is to address the health, psychosocial, and forensic needs of victims/survivors of sexual violence and/or domestic violence in a prompt, professional, and compassionate manner.
Assault and Sexual Abuse Program (ASAP) – Cornwall Community Hospital
The Assault and Sexual Abuse Program (ASAP) provides care to any person of any age who has been sexually assaulted. We also provide care to any person who is being abused by their intimate partner. Types of abuse can be physical, sexual, mental/emotional, spiritual, or financial. Our focus is on the health and well-being of our clients. All of our clients deserve and receive our respect and unconditional support. We do not judge. We respect our clients’ privacy and wishes. ASAP services are completely confidential. We do not involve the police unless the adult client (16 years of age and older) wants us to do so. If a victim is under the age of 16 and has been sexually assaulted, we may be required to call the Children’s Aid Society.
Sexual Assault Care Centre/Partner Assault Clinic – Sault Area Hospital
The Sexual Assault Care Centre/Partner Assault Clinic specializes in medical care available for all ages and genders (24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays) for recent sexual assault and partner assault through the Emergency Department at Sault Area Hospital.
Trauma focused therapy for victims of recent or past sexual assault, all ages and genders, by booked appointment.
Lanark County Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Program
The Lanark County Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Program is funded by the Ministry of Health through the Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospitals to provide specialized medical and nursing care to victims of sexual and intimate partner violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Services are provided to persons of all gender identities and ages in Lanark County.