Community Family Services of Ontario is recognized as the premier provider of family services to support our community, where all families live in a safe and harmonious environment. We helps build a safe and harmonious community by providing professional counselling, settlement, disabilities, and special needs services to individuals and families in need.
Family Service Toronto
We work with individuals, families and communities destabilized by precarious mental health and/or socioeconomic circumstances, to achieve greater resilience, stability and equity.
We achieve this through our understanding of poverty and the harmful effects of marginalization, discrimination and oppression. We direct our energies to support individuals and families in our core service areas – community counselling and mental health, gender-based violence and developmental disabilities. At the same time, we work to influence policy, build knowledge, strengthen communities and advocate for system change.
Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin
Serving all faiths and backgrounds. Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin is a multi-service counselling agency that provides services in the Region of Peel and Dufferin.
METRAC: Action on Violence
METRAC works to end gender-based violence across communities through education, research and policies.
The Windsor Women Working With Immigrant Women (W5)
Windsor Women Working With Immigrant Women (W5) assists immigrant and refugee women and their families to become full and participating members of Canadian Society.
Family Services Durham
Family Services Durham provides individual, couple, and family counselling to those who live or work in Durham Region. We offer counselling for a variety of problems and issues, including intimate partner abuse and other forms of gender-based violence. FSD is accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation and service is provided by members of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) and the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).