
Stand alone Transitional/ Second Stage Housing

Armagh provides women and their children with the best possible opportunity to overcome the devastating effects of abuse.

Organization Information

Address: Mississauga, Ontario

Phone Number: 905-855-0299



Hours of operation: Varies by program (contact organization to inquire)


Services Available:
VAW Counselling/Support Services
VAW Legal Support/Advocacy
VAW Housing Support/Advocacy/THSP
Transitional/Second Stage Housing Program
Sexual Assault Individual Counselling Services
Sexual Assault Group Counselling Services
Support/service for children/youth who have experienced violence/abuse
Support/service for children/youth who have witnessed violence/abuse
Education/Prevention Services for Children and Youth
Education/Prevention Services for Adults
Legal Services/Advocacy
Community-based advocacy services
Survivor engagement groups
Immigration and refugee supports
Survivor Specific employment, training and education supports

Organization Located In: Urban (population 100,000 and over)


Languages Available: English, French

Translation Services: Yes

Initial Contact: Phone , Email

Ongoing Service Delivery: In-person, Text, Phone Once an individual resides at Armagh, they can meet with their Transitional House Support Worker in person or contact them through phone, text, and email.

Accessibility: Partially

Gender-neutral Bathrooms: Yes

Childcare Services: No

Specialized/targeted Programming:
Children and Youth
Older Adults
People with Precarious Status
Sex workers
Survivors of Exploitation and Human Trafficking

Inclusivity Policies: Trauma-Informed Service Framework, Informed-Consent Framework, Trauma-Informed - Policy Includes Training, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Framework, Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression (Policy Includes Training), Informed-Consent (Policy Includes Training), Sex-Work Positive Framework, Feminist Intersectional Framework

Transportation Costs Provided For: None

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Services at a Glance

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Age friendly iconAge Friendly

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Age friendly iconAge Friendly

Provincial Gender Based Violence Associations

Aboriginal Shelters of OntarioOntario Coalition of Rape Crisis CentresOntario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centresaction ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes LogoFamily Service OntarioOntario Network of Victim Service Providers