Nellie’s operates a 38-bed emergency shelter for women and children who are homeless and women and children leaving violence, and also a community support and outreach program for low income and socially isolated women and children in the community. Nellie’s is a community-based feminist women’s organization committed to social justice and anti-oppression. We have been serving the community since 1973. Year after year, we help women rebuild their lives by providing access to counseling, information and appropriate referrals, and by providing advocacy and support in areas such as legal and income assistance, training, education and housing.
Service Trans and Non-Binary (Policy Available Online)
Women’s Support Network of York Region
The Women’s Support Network of York Region’s mission is to eradicate sexual violence.
WomenatthecentrE is a non-profit organization that works to eradicate gender-based violence (GBV) through personal, political and social advocacy. As the only organization created by survivors, for survivors, we use our shared experiences to help create change at all levels.
Sexual Assault Survivors’ Centre Sarnia-Lambton
The Sexual Assault Survivors’ Centre is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to:
* Assisting victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse
* Ensuring that a comprehensive range of crisis, support, counselling, information and advocacy services is available to those who have been sexually assaulted and sexually abused.
* Encouraging coordination and networking among organizations providing services to victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse.
* Working towards the prevention and elimination of coercive sexual behaviour.
Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey
Women’s House provides a safe haven for victims/survivors, knowing that ending violence is a community responsibility. We will work towards ending violence and abuse through knowledge, which is power, in order to create change.